Licence LCE Anglais Semestre 1 Année Universitaire 2011-12
Civilisation (US)

LCE Anglais
Semestre 1
UEF Civilisation

What is "civilisation"? (Click here for my answer)

Some potentially useful sources, both books and web-sites, can be found here.

Exam: Date to be announced (check official notice boards at the Faculté des Langues, as well as the "ENT" for confirmation)

In answer to a question I received by e-mail: the exam syllabus is the lecture course and may include information provided on this site. I have recommended some books and other sources that I think may provide useful information, and I have tried to provide review material on this site; students should know that exam questions may be asked about problems and issues not addressed in the lecture, if they are disussed here, and questions may be asked about all the topics in the lecture, even if they are not addressed on this site.

The exam for Jan 2005 (for the course in 2004-05) can be found here, as an example of the kinds of questions that may be asked.

Until it becomes technically possible to give access to the computer-assisted presentations, this site will provide text versions of the lectures — less spectacular, no doubt, but useful nonetheless, it is hoped.

. Background to the first week's lecture Introduction & Current events.

Some information about Geography

. More about Institutions (the federal government, including checks & balances, as created by the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, and federalism)

. Complements to the lectures on Education.

. Complements to the lectures on the population (sources of the population, relations between various population groups, including questions of civil rights until the 1960s)

. Religion
[Those who are interested in religion may be pleased to know that a large part of the second-year US civilization lecture is devoted to religion...]

Université Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3
Faculté des Langues
Charles C. Hadley 2011-12
This page was last updated on mardi11 décembr2012 at 7:43