Licence LLCE Anglais
Année Universitaire 2013-14
Semestres 3 & 4 UEF 2
Compréhension & Expression Orales

As its title unambiguously suggests, the purpose of this course is to provide students with practice in understanding and using spoken English. As such, the principal focus will be on listening to recorded documents, mostly video, in order to improve students' listening skills, and give students opportunities to respond to questions about the documents. There is thus no specific bibliography, as the material used is all audio and video (news programs and the like.). However, students that wish to practice listening comprehension have a fairly wide range of materials available, including, during the university year, the Maison des Langues of the University, as well as innumerable web-sites: internet radio stations and sites intended for listening comprehension practice such as ESL-Pod, which has material designed to be downloaded to an iPod or similar device.

Part of understanding any utterance in context involves using shared knowledge. This is reflected in many ways in language use, including in grammar (deixis, for example, is a mechanism for designating knowledge or information assumed to be shared), and also in quotation and allusion. Common sources of quotation and allusion in English (including American English) include Shakespeare ("to be or not to be", "out, damned spot", etc.), English translations of the Bible ("see the writing on the wall", "the promised land", etc.), various historical and political documents and speeches ("Fourscore and seven years ago", "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", "blood, sweat, toil and tears", etc.), and of course many others. Among them may be included common nursery rhymes, of the sort that small children learn at their mothers' knee.

A similar kind of understanding in context involves using familiar terms of measurement. Americans typically measure lengths in inches, feet and yards; in order to understand what an American means when s/he says that an object is about four feet long, it is necessary to know how many centimeters there are in a foot, otherwise, the utterance is meaningless.

On the margins of listening comprehension, but very near the heart of expression, whether written or spoken, is to be found the notion of idioms, more or less set expressions that denote fairly specific meanings, often in somewhat archaic or otherwise unusual language, somewhere on the borderline between lexical entries and the ordinary use of syntax and lexis to construct meaning.

To answer these demands of comprehension, students in this course are not required to learn Shakespeare or the Bible by heart , but they are required to learn some nursery rhymes and some conversions for common weights and measures. A document can be found here. They will also be expected to learn some idioms; the first list of those to be studied in semester 3 is to be found here; idioms for the second semester will be made available here. The first "contrôle continu" (which will take place on February 27) will expect students to know the idioms up to "R".

Note: I teach three groups of Listening Comprehension in semester 3 (and probably will in semester 4). My colleague Elizabeth Hargrett teaches two groups, using more or less the same materials as I do. Course requirements will be the same for all groups.

Le TD de Compréhension Orale des semestres 3 & 4 est sous le régime du Contrôle continu, ce qui implique notamment que l'enseignant de chaque groupe décide comment évaluer les étudiants du groupe. Après une réflexion approfondie, il a été décidé que les deux enseignants de la matière feront une épreuve commune en fin de semestre, vraisemblablement dans la semaine d'examens juste avant les vacances de fin d'année.

Le contrôle des connaissances prendra la même forme que les années précédentes:

Les étudiants dispensés d'assiduité seront convoqués à une épreuve pendant la période des examens terminaux, sans doute en même temps que les étudiants assidus absents (avec justification) à l'épreuve générale.

Dans tous les cas, les convocations prendront la forme habituelle: par affichage. Les étudiants doivent se renseigner eux-mêmes de la date et l'heure des épreuves, ainsi que des salles ou amphis où elles se déroulent.

Université Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3
Faculté des Langues
Charles C. Hadley 2013-14
This page was last updated on Monday, 10 February 2014 at 21:34