Assistanat 2007-08 (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States)

Students interested in spending a year teaching in University settings in Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States should contact me by e-mail: .

(For the UK, contact Mme N Mandon, for Eire, contact Professor R Deutsch.)

Students who have questions about the program, which is administered by the Centre international d'études pédagogiques, a branch of the Ministère de l'Education Nationale, should consult the CIEP site here. The site gives information on the following topics:

  1. Présentation
    1. Pays concernés
    2. Mission
    3. Conditions de travail
  2. Comment poser sa candidature ?
    1. Critères d'éligibilité
    2. For the countries I deal with, applicants must
      1. be of French nationality,
      2. be enrolled in a French University (in this case Université Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3 ),
      3. be between 20 and 30 years old on 31 Dec 2007,
      4. have received the "licence" in English.
      In plain language, the program is open to students in Master 1 & Master 2.
      It is worth noting that applications can only be made for one country.
    3. Calendrier
    4. Interested students should contact me as soon as possible, as the application procedure is time-consuming, and applications must be returned by the University to the CIEP by January 15, 2007.
    5. Fiches de renseignement pour les différents pays
    6. Dossiers de candidature
    7. Application forms are sent by an on-line server to students for whom I have opened an applicant account. (Send me an email: .)
  3. Formalités avant le départ

Université Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3
Faculté des Langues
Charles C. Hadley 2006-07
This page was last updated on mardi 14 novembre 2006 at 17:46